Monday, June 8, 2015

Marine Einsatz Kommandos

"Within the defense organization (Admiral Canaris) existed before creation of the command of small combat units called "Marine task force." These were reduced by 2 units of frogmen for special tasks such as bridge demolition, limpet mine operations, etc. With the installation of the small task force which functions are delegated to him. The K-union put on the model set out in the defense of the Hamburg branch commands MAREI and MARKO on other MEKs, which were then numbered, however. – Since June 1941 there was also still a naval task force "Black Sea" (KKpt. Armin Roth), which was intended for investigative operations against the Soviet navy and merchant marine and as the advance guard of the Naval Commander in the occupation of port facilities and vessels (plants 1 / Appendix 2), and was dissolved in July 1943 is again.

Kptlt. Opladen 1941 – ……….
Kptlt. Opladen
Oblt.M.A. Broecker ……… – 04:44
M.E.K. 20 in Cavella (Italy) Oblt.M.A. Broecker 04:44 – Closing
M.E.K. 30 Kptlt.M.A. Gegner 03:44 – Closing
M.E.K. 35 Kptlt. Breusch 11:44 to 03:45 / Kptlt. Woerdemann (Norwegen) 3:45 – Closing
M.E.K. 40 Dänemark Kptlt.M.A.Buschkämper
Oblt. M.A.Schulz 08:44 to 03:45
M.E.K. 60 in Le Havre / Rouen Oblt.M.A. Prinzhorn 03:44 – Closing
M.E.K. 65 in Boulogne Oblt.z.S. Richert 05:44 – Closing
M.E.K. 70 in Brest
M.E.K. 71 in Toulon Oblt.M.A. Wolters 04:44 – Closing
M.E.K. 75 in Anzio Oblt.M.A. Wolters 02:44 to 04:44
M.E.K. 80 in Northern Italy Kptlt.M.A. Krumhaar 03:44 – Closing
M.E.K. 85 Oblt.M.A. Wadenpfuhl 01:45 – Closing
M.E.K. 90 in Dubrovnik Oblt.M.A. Wilke ----
M.E.K. z.b.V --------
Quellen: Hildebrand / Lohmann, Die Deutsche Kriegsmarine 1939-1945, Chapter 153.4 (Nach Unter Act von KKpt. Dr.. Heinsius Paul);
Mike Whitley, Deutsche Seestreitkräfte 1939 – 1945. Im Einsatz Küstenvorfeld. Stuttgart: Motorbuch 1995, S.121-122"

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